Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!  

We are looking forward to working together so that we have an exciting and productive year. 

PE in Year 4 
4S will be going swimming on a Thursday. Children will need to have trunks or a swimming costume on and a towel in a bag. All clothes should be labelled and no jewellery worn on these days. Googles are permitted if needed. We will be having an additional PE lesson in school on a Wednesday morning, in which the children will require a school P.E kit and suitable footwear for outdoors. 

3/4L will have an indoor P.E lesson on a Wednesday afternoon, and an outdoor P.E lesson on a Thursday morning. They will require a school P.E kit and suitable footwear for both their indoor and outdoor lessons. 

Homework in Year 4 
In Year 4, children should be focusing on: 

Reading, to develop speed and understanding (home school book provided) 

Times tables, securing their multiplication knowledge using TTRS (passwords sent home) 

Spellings, which are sent home weekly on a Tuesday (list sent home termly) 

 Year 4 will also be sent home with homework on a Friday afternoon. The homework will be due back in the following Wednesday at the latest. This will consist of one side being focused on maths and the other being focused on SPaG. The homework will be based on the learning that we have completed in school that week.  

Reading books and diaries should be brought into school once the school reading book had been finished so that it can be swapped. The teacher will write the name of the book and please comment on the comment section how they have read, and also add the number of pages they have read. The reading diary is purely for their school reading books.

Please look out for regular updates on our ClassDojo pages and our school's Facebook and Twitter where you can get a great insight into what’s going on in Year 4!  

Any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.  

Mr Smith and Mrs Lal